Steve Marzullo: Kiss Me While We Still Have The Chance [CD]
This is Marzullo’s follow up CD to SHOW SOME BEAUTY which was released in 2011 and made USA Today’s top ten playlist. All music on the album is by Marzullo with lyrics and poems by David Arthur, Todd Boss, Mark Campbell, Annie Golden, Langston Hughes, Manny Kussack, Katherine Lench Meyering, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edward Thomas, Michael Ward and Amanda Yesnowitz. The album features a stellar lineup of singers including Judy Blazer, Darius de Haas, Annie Golden, Randy Graff, Terri Klausner, Aaron Lazar, Kenita Miller, Ric Ryder, Elizabeth Stanley, Rachel Ulanet, Alysha Umphress, Sally Wilfert and Michael Winther.
A Yellow Sound Label Release